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Service Bulletins

Tom Baker

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I just wanted to give everbody a heads up on something I have found on 2 airplanes that I have looked at in the past month. Both airplanes have not had the TruTrak SB on the autopilot servos complied with. This SB came out in June 2010, so it should have been caught and taken care of already. There have actually been 2 SB's for the servos, and the last one required that you remove the aileron servo and send it in for modification for most installations on the CT.


You can get to the SB from the Flight Design USA website, but here is a link to the TruTrak forum with the PDF in the first post. http://trutrakap.com/forum/showthread.php?t=256

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Seems like this would be a major concern on the purchase of any owner maintained and inspected aircraft.


These 2 airplanes were not owner maintained. In fact I think most of the owners who are doing maintenance on thier CT's do a pretty good job with keeping up on SB's.

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I know it's the Trutrak, but that is what FD uses for their Trutrak updates and bulletins.

This site is listed on the FD website under support and bulletins and down at the bottom for trutrak bulletins. This used to be on the FD site by itself, but someone that runs the website for FD changed it and just made it a link.

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