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fitting 6pin modules in place of 5 pin


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Hi All,

         I have a 2006 Ctsw with the earlier 6 pin plug modules with 1 pin missing.

I have had starting problems which related to the ign modules & have purchased  a later 6 pin

 module which is connected to the solenoid on the later Rotax.


My question to the experienced  Rotax engineers. : should I connect the extra pin to the solenoid

to provide 12 volts at cranking & will that connection assist the low output from the coils at

cranking speed.???


I have no intention of upgrading the coils to provide the extra retard at this time.


johnr Australia




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The missing extra wire in the corner pin hole is for the soft start feature if you have the yellow tagged ignition modules. If not do not worry.. Green tag is the older standard modules with no soft start

If you have the soft start modules and don't connect the wire to the solenoid it will start like it always has with no soft start. Personally I would connect the 2 ignition soft start wires. Much easier on the engine.

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