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Hi Altitude Performance Report (winter)

Ed Cesnalis

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I did my last 100 winter flights cruising at 13,000' approximately.

With a wide open throttle and a flattish pitch on my prop I averaged 125kts true airspeed.  I'm not flat enough to cruise above 5,350 at this altitude so there is another knot or two available.

I've had zero issues this last year. I did lose power momentarily after a prolonged period of slipping to keep my wing up and out of the photo shoot.

I do usually fly under max gross. 


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1 hour ago, Ed Cesnalis said:

I did my last 100 winter flights cruising at 13,000' approximately.

Wait, what?  My brain is jarred by that statement, on several levels.  The implication is that you've had more than 100 flights this past winter (you are only commenting on the "last 100").  Here in almost-always overcast, windy, generally crappy Michigan, that's inconceivable.  On top of that, you fly around some of the most stunning scenery in the world, and have the photographic skill to document it.


I think I need a hug...

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