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Multiple problems starting to show

Al Downs

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I have three problems that are starting to show up


1. Attitude indicator showing 10 degrees up when on the ground and various bank angles. Problem go away when in the air.

2. Mag #1 goes to the high end of being in spec and engine sounds a little rough. This problem comes and goes.

3. Heading indicator shows 15 degrees from compass. Had this a couple of years ago and went thru the calibrating procedure while sitting on a compass rose.


I don't suspect bad ground because the problems don't seen to related.


Where do I start?

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#1 if only happening on the ground could be due to the difference between flight attitude and attitude on the gear. If it's changed, maybe you had a hard landing that tweaked a gear leg slightly? Is this a Dynon or a traditional attitude indicator?


#2 have you pulled plugs to inspect them and check the gaps? That seems the easiest thing to try.


#3 One of the devices has some magnetic drift, should not be a problem to figure out which one on a compass rose. Also make sure you test with all electronics off, RF fields can swing a compass.

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#3 One of the devices has some magnetic drift, should not be a problem to figure out which one on a compass rose. Also make sure you test with all electronics off, RF fields can swing a compass.


When you do a compass swing, you test with all normal flight electronics ON. You WANT to compensate for the RF fields.

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