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A teachable moment


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"Was his "inadvertent" turn off the runway due to improper flying skills or unstable landing?'



 Andy is correct,

"It all started with too much speed.  The rest snowballed from there."

It was one bad decision after another.  The very first mistake was going to a difficult runway with poor-fair landing skills.



If he hadn't quit steering, let go of some brake, had landed slower, had landed at the beginning of the runway and not panicked when he thought he would overrun he probably would have been okay and made the stop.


In the original clip I have you can see the wheels skipping off the dirt. They were locked up and he wasn't firmly on the ground so his only course of action at that very moment was reduce the brake pressure and steer, steer, steer and don't freeze up. He froze and the plane veered off to the left without any correction,.


When I take my wife out to the track I always tell her steer, steer, steer and never quit steering until that vehicle comes to a stop. She learned the hard way one day by spinning off the track completely out of control. Panic set in when she started to spin and then all thought process goes out the window.


Again, a rocky dirt strip is already a problem for any landing and taxi situation.  What did he tell you specifically how and why he made the early turn....did he hit a rudder peddle by accident, did he try to hard pull the brake and panic? 


He was landed and rolling on the center of the runway...I have landed at all kinds of speeds and flap configs in the CT and was easily able to steer and stop, but I was never on a dirt strip.    He had more runway...so it matters that he did not use it.....

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