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Customizing your Dynon EFIS list

Roger Lee

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Hi Guys,


Well it's a new year and time to give some of you something new to do this weekend. (Instead of watching Football --yuck)

Just like Gomer Pile would say; Shazam, shazam, shazam just when I thought there was nothing new to do!



Did you know you can customize your list on the Dynon D-100 EFIS display? Yes you can and it is easy to do.

All you need is a laptop computer, down load from any Wifi the Dynon Support program off the Dynon site and have the little 10" USB to 9 pin adapter wire that goes between the computer and the 9 pin adapter on the Dynon. Make sure to plug your computer into a power supply so the battery doesn't die while your doing this. The Dynon adapter on older 2006 and some 2007 CT's is in the panel right behind the Dynon and most of the others are in the tunnel under the key tray between the seats.

Fire up the computer on the pilot seat and open the Dynon support program you downloaded. It is the same program that updates your Dynon software. Plug in the USB to 9 pin wire and connect it to the 9 pin adapter on the Dynon. There are two tabs that can be opened on the support program. On the top one open it and select the D100/autopilot. Then open the bottom tab. Scroll down until you see checklist and select this. Then under these tabs select the word "GO". The Dynon screen should immediately turn a yellowish orange and the computer screen should come up with a window that has your Dynon list. You can no open each list i.e. Start up, shut down, preflight, emergency, you can add three of your favorite airport's information, ect... There will be a standard list there, but you can now edit this list at will and make it as specific as you want. Make it as custom as you want. It is not any harder than typing a word document. You can add, delete or supplement any of the list at will. When your done customizing your list then just close the program and your done. A piece of cake.

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If you don't want to make your own, a while back I uploaded a checklist file that can be saved on your laptop and then uploaded to the Dynon just as Roger describes. Its in a topic called "electronic checklists for the Dynon". That file is setup for the CTSW, I have a new one available for the LS I can post when I get back home.

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