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7 hours ago, Duane Jefts said:

It's called a header tank and holds 1.6 gal, 1.3 of which is useful.  There is a big red light on the dash and when that's all the fuel you have left, the big red light comes on and you streak for the nearest runway.

As shown here (without the streaking).  


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Had same question as Andy.  Is this the soft "bagged" version of the BRS or is it just a covering for the hardshell BRS?  Also, I think the tube on the side is a fuel level sight tube?  This is what we need instead of the flex hose for our fuel level sight tubes in the headers.  All of this must really take up a lot of available cargo space?  Plus, there's a lot of fuel inside the fuselage that's close to the occupants.  Not sure I like that - I like the idea of having my fuel up in the wings.

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This one is the softpack BRS.

Yes it is a sight tube made of soft tubing.

Yes it takes a bit of space in the baggage area but not as bad as you might think. The header tank is under the BRS so the space rearward is still there.

Kinda good idea having a bright red light in your face to yell at you for empting the main tanks and you have 1/2 to 3/4 hour to land before the fan stops. 

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23 hours ago, DocRon said:

So, did your plane finally arrive from Singapore?  Hope so.

Thanks for the question Ron. See the storey posted in CT's in the news / new CT's arriving from Germany. In short mine assembled but has problems, the one that came in the same container as mine so far is very good , and the one from AEROJONES is not assembled yet but looks also very good.

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2 hours ago, DocRon said:

I'm really sorry to hear that.  You've waited long enough!  Hope it gets resolved soon.

Thankyou but it will be a while before mine is resolved. At least I still have my old tail dragger to keep drilling holes in the sky.

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6 hours ago, Tom Baker said:

What kind of old tail dragger?

Unfortunately this is getting off thread. My tail dragger is a SKYFOX, it is an Australian  version of a Kitfox but is certified. I sold it 10 years ago when I got the CTSW then purchased it back a year ago to keep flying whilst waiting for the new CT. A bit challenging as tail draggers go but rewarding when you get it right. It has it's limitations and compared to a CT it is a piece of crap in some ways but very capable if handled well. By comparison if an average pilot could land a SKYFOX then a drunken monkey could land a CT.

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