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ADSB on Garmin 796 from Dynon

Andy A

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While I don't specifically know the answer, I'd say it's unlikely.  Garmin typically uses a proprietary data stream that nobody else knows how to decode, to communicate between their devices.  Most "open" devices use an standard GDL90 data encoding scheme, that Garmin doesn't recognize.

I wouldn't take the above as gospel since it's just my guess, but it's generally true for Garmin devices.  Garmin wants to lock you into their ecosystem and force you to buy their products, and so they make it very hard to integrate their devices with those from other manufacturers.

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I would reiterate that and add that you can wifi traffic to the  796 from approved Garmin devices and a tablet running Garmin Pilot or Foreflight. Sadly I don't think Dynon is an approved device. Oddly, neither the 696 nor the 796 can accept wired traffic data from anything but Garmin's GDL devices, the GDL 39 being a light sport favorite. Many companies have tried to work with Garmin but most have failed (except Foreflight). Like my cable company, I look forward to the day when I can ditch Garmin for good.

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