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Early in my search


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Hello everyone, I have been searching for a CTLS but not really finding the RIGHT one. If anyone knows of a plane for sale that isn't listed on the regular "for sale sites" please let me know. Thanks and have a wonderful day/evening!

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x2 with Andy, in time they come along.  However, I would encourage you to temper the definition of whatever the "right one" means, simply from the perspective of there are only ~150 in entire US:

https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/Search/MakeModelResult (type in "flight design" to first field and hit enter, generated list does not output a URL to insert here).

So with current market being maybe 1 new listing a month, and factoring in the early model years (design changes on LS) / trainers / higher time / damaged / avionic suite / being the items probably driving your criteria, sharing the perspective to consider what is a hard want v/s something that is less important.

You can always buy a new one for $200k! 

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