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Paint Crack Along Read Wing Spar

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So, I noticed this crack a while back.  I *think* it's just a cosmetic crack in the paint, but it does run along the aft spar of my right wing and is quite long (maybe 18-24").  The composite area is slightly raised along the spar where the structure is,  so I think the paint is more stressed there.  There is not a good way to inspect the composite in that area, so I'm not sure what to do about this.  I noticed it a few weeks ago and have flown without issues or it getting worse, but I guess it's time for more opinions...


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The pic was showing earlier.  My thought is sand through the paint to confirm it's only paint, if only paint then you could dust it with some primer as a short term option until weather is more paint friendly climate.  If it's more than paint you want to understand that ASAP.  I'd be surprised if more than paint.

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I cannot see the pic either... don’t know if the crack is easy to get to... but you may want to contact FD USA... FD should be very interested to help you with this situation.

there is an NDT penetrant for carbon fiber.  I have never seen it used, but my old company performed NDT/ penetrant tests every day on all types of metals... it is a reliable way to find and diagnose material cracks.  I suppose you have to grind the paint away from the area first ? 

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Andy.  Hope your crack turns out to be cosmetic.  It definitely appears to be running along the rear edge of the spar and the spar itself appears to be more pronounced and visible than I recall my spar being.  Each CT is different from another though.  One thing comes to mind is the CTLS's  "living hinge" for the stabilator where the carbon skin is used for the trim tab hinge with no metal hinges.  The area that flexes will show cracks in the paint.  This looks bad but is only cosmetic and FD puts bolus tape over the flex area to hide the cracking.  Not suggesting you cover your crack with tape but cracks which show up  on our CT's normally turn out to be inconsequential like Animosity's cowl cracking.  FWIW, Warmi's picture of his crack on the Sting aircraft wing looks very similar to yours.


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2 hours ago, Runtoeat said:

Hi Andy.  Hope your crack turns out to be cosmetic.  It definitely appears to be running along the rear edge of the spar and the spar itself appears to be more pronounced and visible than I recall my spar being.  Each CT is different from another though.  One thing comes to mind is the CTLS's  "living hinge" for the stabilator where the carbon skin is used for the trim tab hinge with no metal hinges.  The area that flexes will show cracks in the paint.  This looks bad but is only cosmetic and FD puts bolus tape over the flex area to hide the cracking.  Not suggesting you cover your crack with tape but cracks which show up  on our CT's normally turn out to be inconsequential like Animosity's cowl cracking.  FWIW, Warmi's picture of his crack on the Sting aircraft wing looks very similar to yours.


Thanks Dick.  I really don't think this is any big deal.  The photos I posted make it look worse than it is because they are zoomed.  In reality it's so tiny I can't even get an X-acto knife blade under it.  It looks like the other small paint cracks I have all over the airplane, so I'm 95% sure it's non-structural.  And honestly, I have been flying it for 9-12 months since I first noticed it and have seen no progression of it.  I have a friend who is a composite expert and works on a lot of jets, and I'm trying to find some time to have him stop by the hangar and take a look.  I'm willing to sand through a small section of the paint to the composite to inspect as FD suggested, but I'm hoping my guy will say that's not necessary.

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2 hours ago, Runtoeat said:

 One thing comes to mind is the CTLS's  "living hinge" for the stabilator where the carbon skin is used for the trim tab hinge with no metal hinges.  

The CTLS uses Kevlar in the stabilator hinge, not carbon fiber. I'm pretty sure that carbon fiber would break in that application.

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