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Rudder Cable Routing - Trim on SW

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When flying yesterday I noticed rudder trim was off, adjusted trim wheel it felt real easy to spin.  Taking a look at the system I think I knocked the cable off the right side adjuster pulley when I was down in the tunnel doing AP wiring?  I notice the left side cable (yellow line) is on top of the pulley, the right side (red line) is significant air gap not even touching and under the pulley.  Looks obvious but thought I'd inquire here for confirming what is normal situation, as the assembly manual does not show full details.


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My Rudder Trim rolled hard when adjusting to the left and easy adjusting to the right. I also noticed that I was not able to get adequate right rudder trim.

The picture shows what I found today. The right rudder cable may have been off the pulley for some time. I don't know why it came off. Seems like it would be hard to do it on purpose or by accident. I did not do any work in there since I bought the plane last October. By turning the trim almost all the way to the  left, it was pretty easy to use a bar to pull the cable toward the center of the tunnel, and then lift it by hand up and over into the proper position.

This would be a good item to add to the annual inspection checklist 🙂



CTSW Rudder Trim.png

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8 hours ago, robjahnke said:

I don't know why it came off. Seems like it would be hard to do it on purpose or by accident.

My thoughts as well, and suspect Tom's point about during maintenance is when my situation developed - prior to me.  But working in the tunnel, then noticing it, and never really having to adjust the rudder trim prior I can't say for certain.

And this is hard to install back on pulley.  My technique was:  Crank full left trim & lower right pull full down.  Use fingers to flip cable up along side of pulley onto / top of the side nut.  Lastly a very long screw driver (like 24") under the cable through the rear tunnel opening behind bulkhead and flip it up and over into the track.

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I used a similar method only completely through the front tunnel opening (removed the tray). I cranked in left trim but not all the way. Just far enough to lower the pulley so it deflected the rudder cable down a bit. Then I flipped the cable by hand up to the nut as you did. Then I lowered the pully the rest of the way (full left trim). At that point I used a large wrench as a crow bar to move the cable toward the center of the tunnel,  then flipped the cable up to the top of the pulley by hand. It wasn't that difficult 🙂  Rob

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