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Problem with Pitot


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Hello CTfliers,

I'm encountering a problem with my anemometer since I replace the 2-blades Neuform by the E-Props Glorieuse.
When I carry out the engine test at 4000 rpm, the anemometer is alive and indicating around 40 km/h.

I'm afraid this is also the case in flight, and particularly on take-off and landing, giving an erroneous IAS value.

During the test, the variometer and altimeter didn't move, so I don't think the static is to blame.
Pitot is far away from the propeller wind and also on the right side so theoretically not influenced by the the propeller wind.

Has anyone encountered this or could help me solve the problem?
I'm already going to perform these tests:
- Try an engine test put with the pitot protection
- Check that I don't have a damaged or disconnected tube on the pitot line (or the static line) but I don't think it has any influence when the engine is running, as the lines don't pass through the propeller flow.

Thank you and good flights.

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Just run a pitot static test with a test box if you know a shop that has one. There are other options but I don't want to describe them as they are easily done incorrectly . Best to use a pitot/static test setup. Prop should not have anything to do with it.

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It’s planned but first I will try to check if the static and pitot lines are clean. 
But anyway, I test and the speed I saw on the anemometer is clearly linked with the RPM (on ground + brakes). And the anemometer start moving around 2500 RPM and clearly more after 4000. 
I will let you know as soon as I perform some test  

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After checking, there is what I discovered :

  • lines static and pitot are ok (no damage)
  • with pitot plugged or not, same result at 4000 RPM : 45 km/h on the two anemometer and +200ft/min on the variometer.
  • with pitot unplugged and static plugged at 4000 RPM : no problem.

So first I will clean the static line blowing from the inside to the outside in it. And will recheck.

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You can not check pitot/static integrity by how they look, ever. You can have leaks that occur within the instruments themselves. I have found many, including in my CT after I bought it. My leak was in the airspeed indicator and it made a significant difference in approach speed.

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As I install an EFIS I will change the hoses anyway but the problem doesn't appear if I plug the static inlet and run my engine test at 4000 RPM, so I think it's either dirt at the inlet or the flow, which would be very different from that of the old propeller (but I don't know how to solve that...).

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I have seen the indicated airspeed before while doing a run up. It happens because the airflow around the aircraft during the run up creates a low pressure on the static port. These airplanes are FLIGHT tested to determine where to place the static port for neutral pressure during flight. They are not tested to see if there is a low pressure during run up. The airflow around the airplane is much different in flight compared to doing a run up on the ground. In my experience the indication during run up does not relate to there being an issue in flight.

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I understand but this is new and not happened before. 
I also have 20km/h more indicated than GPS speed with no wind in final and stall at 85 with 30 degrees flaps and IAD falls in the last 10m when I cut the power. And it’s was also not the case before.

So I’m pretty sure I have a IAS problem. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


I go to the avionics shop and everything is okay with the pitot/statics.
Before this, I blew out the lines and after all this, problem remains.

I tried to plug the static port, no more issue. I tried measuring the static inside the cabin, and no more problem.
Next step, I will made in flight measurement of the speed and altitude, with normal static and static taken from the cabin to check if there's a difference in the different flight phases.

As I said, I've had this problem since installing the variable pitch propeller, but I'm not sure if it's related.

Could pilot show me the different position of static ports ? My are under the pilot seat.

Thank you.



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An interesting issue and I'm sure there is a simple reason. Some issues are so small they are overlooked. Maybe there is a distortion in airflow over the static port, it could be anything.  Maybe put the old prop back on to verify, maybe one blade is off on pitch causing an airflow distortion,  could be anything. You will have to methodically look everything and eliminate variables each time. I have run into these type of issues before and have always found the problem. Sometimes they required a lot of time and analysis. One point on prop pitch settings, I noticed that digital protractors have terrible repeatability.   I set the first blade with a digital protractor and match the rest of the blades to it with a machinist bubble protractor. Bubbles don't lie. I can't tell what the problem is but you eventually find it.

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