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CTLS Stabilizer Movement


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It's held in by ball bearings. There is going to be a tiny bit of play but I think I can HEAR that movement and it should get looked at. It's pretty easy, fortunately, to replace said ball bearings.

However, unfortunately FD didn't do the greatest job tracking which ball bearings they used in which model. You have to remove it and get the measurements so they know which variant is used in it.

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Stab check,

It's quite rare a stab bearing goes bad. Move it up and down. Should be no play. Move it fore and aft there should be no play, but I do find at times play for and aft. If you have this then remove the stab (easy to do). Then torque the nut on boths sides of the pivot pin (13mm) to 200 in/lbs. Now reinstall the stab. There was a very short time that FD used a live center bearing on some CTLS's early on. These have play in all directions, but is normal for this model and time period. You can't change the bearing. It doesn't seem to affect anything because I know someone that has this setup with over 5100 hours on his CTLS.

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I have a CTSW that has a tiny bit of play up/down and a hair for/aft.  It has been that way since I got it ten years ago.  I can remove the stab and tighten it down, but is this a problem for an 07 CTSW?  Stab has been off before and put back on torqued to 200in/lb.

IIRC the bearings for my stab are offset bearings and have to be correctly oriented when installed.

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The one thing roger pointed out about torquing is also a good thing to do. The stabilator pivots about an axle and it's possible the noise being heard is sideplay.

Anyways, bearings are dirt cheap so I can respect going ahead and replacing while you are at it.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you INDEX that three screw plate before you remove it. It is an eccentric. Its how you adjust horizontal alignment along the aircrafts lateral axis.

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My 2007 CTSW, with 817 hours, has no play up/down nor fore/aft. At one time a slight fore/aft movement developed which I fixed by torquing the two vertical bolts properly. For some reason they had started to loosen up. That was a long time ago. Probably at about 200 hours. No problem since then. Knock on wood.🤦‍♂️

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